Cosmetic Dentistry Blog | San Antonio, TX
Explore blog posts directly from the team at 5 Star Dental Group in San Antonio, TX.
Are Porcelain Veneers Worth the Investment for a Long-Lasting Smile?
Improve your smile with cosmetic dentistry. Porcelain veneers are a natural, long-lasting solution to issues like chipped or stained teeth. Call now.
What Are Options for Closing a Tooth Gap After Gum Disease?
A skilled dentist can often find creative solutions to address aesthetic concerns, even in complex cases.
My New Crown Feels Weird When I Chew
A well-placed crown should feel natural and indistinguishable from your natural teeth.
Do I Have Nerve Damage in My Jaw After Tooth Extractions?
Bruising, crushing, and severing are nerve damage that can occur with wisdom teeth removal. The extent of damage affects your recovery.
Will a Palateless Denture Work for Me?
A palateless denture may work for you if you have good oral health and have not experienced significant jawbone shrinkage.
Tooth Infection and Cannot Afford a Root Canal
Tooth infections are serious because they continue to spread without treatment.
I Got Invisalign and Now I Have TMJ
Orthodontic treatment, including Invisalign, does not cause TMJ.
My Root Canal Tooth Still Hurts Despite Steroids
Although dentists commonly prescribe steroids for root canal pain, they are ineffective in some cases.
Can I cover the metal clasps on my partial denture?
Covering the metal clasps with plastic will make them thick and uncomfortable around your teeth
I Think I’m Allergic to Zirconia Crowns
The only way to know if you are allergic to zirconia crowns is to get tested for it.
Is There ANY Gum I Can Chew with Invisalign?
Here are some things you can do to help overcome cravings for chewing gum while using Invisalign trays.