If I qualify for implants, how many will I need to keep my denture in place? I have been wearing dentures for 18 years, and they will not stay in. Thank you. Clayton from MS
Although Dr. Tostado would need to examine your teeth, take x-rays, and review your medical history, you might be a candidate for dental implants. If you have good physical and oral health, you can probably get implants. But how many implants will you need?
How Many Implants Will Keep Your Denture in Place?
As few as two dental implants will keep a denture in place. But the number of implants your dentist recommends for you depends on several factors.
Implant denture type
- Snap-on denture – An implant dentist or surgeon will place two implants. Your dentist will add grooves to the bottom of your denture. And the denture base will snap onto the implants.
- All-on-4 implants – If you have low jawbone volume, at least four implants will stabilize your denture. Implant dentists place All-on-4 implants in the front of your mouth where there is more bone volume. The rear implants are angled for more stability. Some dentists place All-on-6 implants.
- Standard implants – After placing four to six implants, a dentist or specialist will attach your denture. Denture stability increases with the number of implants you have.
How Jawbone Shrinkage Affects Implant Placement
Tooth roots stimulate the jawbone. And the jawbone supports dental implants. The longer your teeth are missing, the more your jawbone shrinks. If you do not have enough bone volume, a dentist or specialist may perform a grafting procedure before you can receive implants.
Schedule an Implant Denture Consultation
- Visit a general dentist with experience in implant dentures. Some general dentists have advanced training in implant placement. If not, the dentist will work with an oral surgeon or periodontist to place your implants.
- Avoid going to an oral surgeon first. The specialist may place the implants in a way that makes it challenging for a dentist to fit the implants.
- Let your doctors collaborate. When a dentist and oral surgeon work together to determine your implants’ best locations, your dentures will fit well and feel comfortable.
Schedule a consultation with an implant or restorative dentist to discuss your options.